The app is a complete free handbook of Signals and Systems with diagrams and graphs. It is part of electrical and Communications engineering education which brings important topics, notes, news & blog on the subject. The App serves as a quick reference guide of electrical and Communications engineering subject.
It covers 131 topics of Signals and Systems in detail. These 131 topics are divided into 5 units.
The App covers the topic in a flashcard-like format, the purpose of the App is faster learning and revisions of the subject. You can consider this App as notes which professors guides with in a classroom.
You can very easily pass and succeed in your exams or interviews, if you have this App on your mobile phone, and give an overview just a day.
Some of the topics Covered in this application are:
1. The Laplace transform
2. The region of convergence of the Laplace transform
3. Poles and zeros in the Laplace transform
4. Properties of the ROC of the Laplace transform
5. Laplace Transforms Of Some Common Signals
6. Properties of the Laplace transform
7. The inverse Laplace transform
8. Partial-fraction expansion in Laplace transform
9. The system function of the Laplace transform
10. Characterization of LTI systems
11. System function for LTI systems described by linear constant-coefficient differential equations
12. Systems Interconnection
13. The unilateral Laplace transform
14. Transform circuits of the Laplace transform
15. Graphical Understanding of ROC
16. The Z-Transform
17. The region of convergence of the z transform
18. Properties of the ROC of the z transform
19. z- transforms of some common signals
20. Properties of the z-transform
21. The inverse z-transform
22. Power series expansion of z transform
23. The system function of the z transform
24. Characterization of discrete-time LTI systems in z transform
25. system function for LTI systems described by linear constant-coefficient difference equations
26. The unilateral z-transform
27. Initial value theorem of the Laplace transform
28. Final value theorem of the Laplace transform
29. convolution in time domain property of the Laplace transform
30. The Laplace transform of the ramp function
31. The Laplace transform of a pulse
32. The Laplace transform of a linear segment
33. The Laplace transform of a triangular waveform
34. The Laplace transform of a rectangular periodic waveform
35. The Laplace transform of a half rectified sine waveform
36. Initial value theorem of the z transform
37. Final value theorem of the z transform
38. The Z transform of the geometric sequence
39. The Z transform of the discrete time unit step function
40. The Z transform of the discrete time cosine and sine functions
41. The Z transform of the discrete time unit ramp function
42. computation of the Z transform with contour integration
43. s to z plane mapping
44. The Fourier transform
45. Fourier transform pair
46. connection between the Fourier transform and the Laplace transform
47. Properties of the continuous time Fourier transform
48. Frequency response of the continuous LTI system
49. Real time functions
50. Imaginary Time Functions
51. The cosine and sine function pair
52. The signum function pair
53. The unit step function pair
54. The delta function pair
55. The constant function pair
56. Parseval’s theorem
57. conjugate time and frequency functions
All topics are not listed because of character limitations set by the Play Store.
Aplikasi ini adalah buku pegangan gratis lengkap Sinyal dan Sistem dengan diagram dan grafik. Ini adalah bagian dari Komunikasi listrik dan pendidikan teknik yang membawa topik penting, catatan, berita & blog pada subjek. App berfungsi sebagai panduan referensi cepat dari subjek teknik elektro dan Komunikasi.
Ini mencakup 131 topik Sinyal dan Sistem secara rinci. Ini 131 topik dibagi menjadi 5 unit.
App mencakup topik dalam format flashcard-seperti, tujuan dari App adalah belajar lebih cepat dan revisi dari subjek. Anda dapat mempertimbangkan App ini sebagai catatan yang profesor panduan dengan di ruang kelas.
Anda dapat dengan mudah lulus dan berhasil dalam ujian atau wawancara, jika Anda memiliki App ini pada ponsel Anda, dan memberikan gambaran hanya sehari.
Beberapa topik Covered dalam aplikasi ini adalah:
1. Transformasi Laplace
2. Wilayah konvergensi dari Transformasi Laplace
3. Polandia dan nol dalam Transformasi Laplace
4. Sifat ROC dari Transformasi Laplace
5. Laplace Mentransformasi Dari Beberapa Sinyal Umum
6. Sifat Transformasi Laplace
7. inverse Transformasi Laplace
8. ekspansi Partial-fraksi di Transformasi Laplace
9. Fungsi sistem dari Transformasi Laplace
10. Karakterisasi sistem LTI
11. Fungsi sistem untuk sistem LTI dijelaskan oleh konstan-koefisien persamaan diferensial linear
12. Sistem Interkoneksi
13. unilateral Transformasi Laplace
14. Transform sirkuit dari Transformasi Laplace
15. Memahami grafis ROC
16. Z-Transform
17. Wilayah konvergensi z transformasi
18. Sifat ROC dari z transform
19. z transformasi dari beberapa sinyal umum
20. Sifat z-transform
21. inverse z-transform
22. ekspansi Daya serangkaian transformasi z
23. Fungsi sistem z transformasi
24. Karakterisasi sistem LTI diskrit-waktu di transformasi z
25. fungsi sistem untuk sistem LTI dijelaskan oleh konstan-koefisien persamaan perbedaan linear
26. unilateral z-transform
27. Nilai awal teorema dari Transformasi Laplace
28. Nilai akhir teorema dari Transformasi Laplace
29. konvolusi dalam waktu properti domain dari Transformasi Laplace
30. Transformasi Laplace dari fungsi jalan
31. Transformasi Laplace dari pulsa
32. Transformasi Laplace dari segmen linier
33. Transformasi Laplace dari gelombang segitiga
34. Transformasi Laplace dari gelombang periodik persegi panjang
35. Transformasi Laplace dari setengah diperbaiki gelombang sinus
36. Nilai awal teorema dari z transform
37. Nilai akhir teorema dari z transform
38. Z transform dari barisan geometri
39. Z transform dari waktu diskrit fungsi satuan
40. Z transform dari waktu kosinus diskrit dan fungsi sinus
41. Z transform dari waktu diskrit fungsi satuan jalan
42. Perhitungan Z transform dengan integrasi kontur
43. s untuk pemetaan bidang z
44. Transformasi Fourier
45. Fourier transform pasangan
46. hubungan antara Fourier transform dan Transformasi Laplace
47. Sifat waktu Fourier transform terus menerus
48. Respon frekuensi dari sistem LTI terus menerus
49. fungsi real time
50. Fungsi Waktu Imaginary
51. cosinus dan sinus pasangan fungsi
52. Pasangan fungsi signum
53. Unit Pasangan fungsi step
54. Pasangan fungsi delta
55. konstan Pasangan fungsi
Teorema 56. Parseval
57. konjugat waktu dan frekuensi fungsi
Semua topik yang tidak terdaftar karena keterbatasan karakter yang ditetapkan oleh Play Store.
The app is a complete free handbook of Signals and Systems with diagrams and graphs. It is part of electrical and Communications engineering education which brings important topics, notes, news & blog on the subject. The App serves as a quick reference guide of electrical and Communications engineering subject.
It covers 131 topics of Signals and Systems in detail. These 131 topics are divided into 5 units.
The App covers the topic in a flashcard-like format, the purpose of the App is faster learning and revisions of the subject. You can consider this App as notes which professors guides with in a classroom.
You can very easily pass and succeed in your exams or interviews, if you have this App on your mobile phone, and give an overview just a day.
Some of the topics Covered in this application are:
1. The Laplace transform
2. The region of convergence of the Laplace transform
3. Poles and zeros in the Laplace transform
4. Properties of the ROC of the Laplace transform
5. Laplace Transforms Of Some Common Signals
6. Properties of the Laplace transform
7. The inverse Laplace transform
8. Partial-fraction expansion in Laplace transform
9. The system function of the Laplace transform
10. Characterization of LTI systems
11. System function for LTI systems described by linear constant-coefficient differential equations
12. Systems Interconnection
13. The unilateral Laplace transform
14. Transform circuits of the Laplace transform
15. Graphical Understanding of ROC
16. The Z-Transform
17. The region of convergence of the z transform
18. Properties of the ROC of the z transform
19. z- transforms of some common signals
20. Properties of the z-transform
21. The inverse z-transform
22. Power series expansion of z transform
23. The system function of the z transform
24. Characterization of discrete-time LTI systems in z transform
25. system function for LTI systems described by linear constant-coefficient difference equations
26. The unilateral z-transform
27. Initial value theorem of the Laplace transform
28. Final value theorem of the Laplace transform
29. convolution in time domain property of the Laplace transform
30. The Laplace transform of the ramp function
31. The Laplace transform of a pulse
32. The Laplace transform of a linear segment
33. The Laplace transform of a triangular waveform
34. The Laplace transform of a rectangular periodic waveform
35. The Laplace transform of a half rectified sine waveform
36. Initial value theorem of the z transform
37. Final value theorem of the z transform
38. The Z transform of the geometric sequence
39. The Z transform of the discrete time unit step function
40. The Z transform of the discrete time cosine and sine functions
41. The Z transform of the discrete time unit ramp function
42. computation of the Z transform with contour integration
43. s to z plane mapping
44. The Fourier transform
45. Fourier transform pair
46. connection between the Fourier transform and the Laplace transform
47. Properties of the continuous time Fourier transform
48. Frequency response of the continuous LTI system
49. Real time functions
50. Imaginary Time Functions
51. The cosine and sine function pair
52. The signum function pair
53. The unit step function pair
54. The delta function pair
55. The constant function pair
56. Parseval’s theorem
57. conjugate time and frequency functions
All topics are not listed because of character limitations set by the Play Store.